Your money is your money. Don’t let anyone gaslight you to 50-50 sharing of the western formula


Your money is your money. Don

A Nigerian cyber security researcher, Shakirat Olwatosin Raji, has advised Muslim women to not buy into the 50-50 sharing formula whereby couples split expenses equally. 


“Muslim Sisters, Your money is your money. No let anyone gaslight you to 50-50 sharing of the western formula. How you use ur earned money is on you. Can you help your man? Yes, it serves as sadaqah for you. But don’t be cowed to saying you have to. Men are d maintainers in Islam,’ she wrote. 


“That is the responsibility Allah has bestowed on them. Only men capable of taking the huge responsibility should marry. QED”


Your money is your money. Don
Your money is your money. Don



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